Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just had to post this.........

I just thought I would share this with ya'll... I bought this years ago for David..
Bailey has just started really noticing stuff that she is not supposed to play with, and this is one of them, I am really going to have to move it.

Anyways, it was so sweet, she said.. "Wook mommy... daddy in der, wif a puppy" If you could not decipher that.. that was Look mommy.. daddy is in there.. with a puppy!
I just thought it was so cute!!!

And then she tried to kiss him! She really does love her daddy.. and she has him wrapped around her finger!!!

And check out her shirt! Girls really DO rock!! Well, Rock on Cutie Pie!!!

Feeling better today!!!

Woo!! I am feeling so much better today. If I could get my ear to stop hurting, I would be A+!!! My sweet husband let me sleep in today. It was so nice! Nothing much has been going on, just laying around being lazy..

While Bailey napped this afternoon, David and I decided to play monopoly again. We played late last night, and I lost.. not so much fun.. haha.. BUT........ today.. I WON!!! Actually, I spanked his butt! lol..

But, he is a very good sport. I felt really bad for winning though. why you ask?? Because I won really big time!! haha! We have the new kind where you do not have the paper money, you have a debit card and a atm thing! It is really cool, the only bad thing is that I can not cheat.. haha

Anyways.. moving on..
So .. are you watching American Idol this season??

We sure are! I can not wait to see what 4 people go home tonight.. We really think a girl will win this year. The guys just do not seem to have it together??
For the girls.. we LOVE Siobhan!!! I do not know why we like her so good.. I think she is just so mysterious.. you never know what she is going to do, and she can SING!!! We also really like Lacey, and Didi(even though I think she blew it last night :( ), and we kinda like Crystal. She can really sing, she just is not our favorite. We REALLY do not like Haeley though.. I do not know what it is about her, wait, yes I do.. I just did not want to be mean.. but those TEETH! and she smiles.. and that lisp.. it just makes me crazy!

As for the guys...... we like Lee and big Mike... and that is it! Casey is too much like Bucky Covington.. and I really do not think he can sing all that well.. he sounds like everyone else.

So ready to see who gets kicked off though!!!

And lastly,
I am so glad that the Biggest Loser was back on Tuesday night! It was really really good!! I am so glad that Miggy went home.. her and her daughter got on my nerves so bad!
I was really mad that Michael split up everyone like he did, and I understand that he was just looking out for himself, but I love how it blew up in his face!!! haha!

Well, I hope that y'all have a good rest of Thursday...
David has a fire meeting tonight, and I am going to get out of this house (that I have been in since MONDAY.. thank you sickness) and go eat with my mother in law and sister in law..

Till Tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Move on over crib.. Here comes the "big girl bed"

Just a quick post tonight.. Just wanted to let everyone know that we moved Bailey into her big girl bed.. she is doing great!!!!!!!!!!! She has been sleeping through the night, and loves her new bed!!

We have the crud around here, so we have been inside. We got snow last night, early this morning.. SNOW??? in March?? what in the world.. WHERE ARE YOU SPRING??????????????????????????????

More tomorrow maybe..
going to go lay back down..

Goodnight all!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Spring Cleaning... Hello Organization!! Wooohooo!

Well, today was D Day... haha.. We have been meaning to clean out our guest bedroom for um.. the last 3 years!! Yes, you heard right, the last THREE years.. haha.. You know that show, Hoarders??? that was so me in this room. I had a door that would close, and it was out of sight, out of mind! My best friend, Erin , came over to help me.. she was my littleconscience sitting on my shoulder... you can do it... throw it away... you do not need it!! haha... anyways, what we wanted to do was take EVERYTHING out, clean out the closet and move ALL the toys in that room! Can I just say that I am SO HAPPY that we did this!! Baby gate up and room full of toys.. Bailey is happy as can be!! So, here are just some pictures from our progress!!

Ahhhh.. her own playroom.. baby proof!!

everything so nice and neat.. we will see how long it last!!! lol

Her and her buddy Drew... she loves him so much!!

On another note...

Are you watching American Idol this year??? We are, or should I say "I" am. hehe... I do not know who I like yet, but there is some AWESOME talent this year!!!
I am just ready to get our top 12!!!

AND ALSO...............

I am very ready for the Olympics to be OVER.. I am not much of a fan..
I can not wait for my shows to come back on.. I really miss the Biggest Loser......

Cant wait for that to come back on!!

Anyways, Have a good rest of the night ya'll!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

FUNDAY MONDAY------ But yucky rain!!

Well, today has been so yucky!! It has rained all day long! That is OK though.. it was warmer! Not too much exciting stuff happened today.. went to lunch, post office, and then came back home.. boring..

Bailey has not been sleeping good at nights here lately.. Not sure what is going on with her. I think alot of it has to do with she is being taken from place to place.. Nana and D's, Grammy and Pop Pops... and I know she is so tired.. I hope tonight she sleeps better!

I let her play with Play-dough tonight for the first time.. man, why did I not think of that earlier??? she loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it!!

Well, I will try to post some tomorrow.. going to try and put her to sleep.. keep us in your prayers! This mommy needs her sleep!! ha ha!

Good night y'all!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snow Angels.....

So I wanted to post some of our "snow pictures". We have had such a COLD winter this year! I can not wait till spring.. I really need some warmer weather right now! Anyways, we took Bailey out in the snow, and might I say that she LOVED it!! She did not want to come back inside.. as you can see in the picture... she was not a happy camper!

I hope you enjoy our pictures!!!

Back to Blogging!!!

Wow.. it has been a long time since I have been on here.. Got to be a little much trying to do one every day.. just to bring everyone up to speed.. ( not sure I even have one reader... lol) Our Bailey just got done celebrating her SECOND yes, that is 2nd Birthday! I can not believe that she is already 2! wow...

Not too much is going on.. David got a new job, at DSM and he LOVES it! I could not be more happy for him. He is working nights, alot of them.. and he seems to be adapting very well.. I have to say that I am kinda jealous! lol.. working nights is really rough! You always feel like you are playing catchup..

I also have added a 2nd job to my plate... working at the childrens after hours clinic. I never thought in a million years that I would be working with kids.. but you know what???? I LOVE IT! It has been such a pleasant change..

Well, that is about it. Nothing else has really changed. I would like to be a little better about this blog.. we shall see what happens!!

Have a great day!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

This one is for last week... haha!!

Sorry that it has been a WEEK since my last post! Gosh.. We have not been feeling good at the Luton household. Snotty nose, yucky mess in our chest... but it is OK.. we are finally getting around!!

Monday was Labor Day. We went to our Annual Church Labor Day Pig Pickin'! It was so fun!! We always have the best time! David made his yummy baked beans... I could not taste them, but I am sure that they were good!! Hehe! We always have Boiled peanuts!! They are so good! I just found out that a man that works on the same floor as me makes them and sells them... HELLO!!! haha! Anyways, we also had BBQ, BBQ Chicken, all the sides you could think of, all the desserts that you can think of and of course... SWEET TEA! I mean, what is a pig pickin' without sweet tea??

I had to come to work Labor Day night and ended up coming in early and going down to the ED to sit with two suicidal patients. fun fun fun.. You can hear the excitement... right?? But, like Momma said.. easy money! So... I started reading a book that mom told me to read... The Choice by Nicholas Sparks. I got through over half of it.. It was kinda slow getting started, but then I started to really get into it. Anyways, I finished it last night! WOW! It was soooo good! I hope that they decide to make a movie out of it.. it was THAT good!!

Tuesday... I slept!!hahaha... Like I had said earlier, I was not feeling all that good, so we lounged all day, and Haley came and helped me with Bailey! Thanks Dute! :)

Tuesday night, my wonderful husband made us dinner! It was so good!!!

It was a Macaroni Grill pasta mix... It was Alfredo Linguine with sun dried tomatoes. He also fixed Salmon to go over it.. Let me say it again... SO GOOD! I just had to take a picture!!

Ok, so the Granparent's are sad beacause it has been a week with no Bailey pictures!! haha!

So here goes guys!! Here is what my little princess has been doing this week!

She is learning her manners.. she has started to say "NO TANK EW"...(No thank you) so sweet!!!
My sweet little sugar!
She was playing with Mommy and Daddy's computer mouse.. it had a light on the bottom... it was so funny!!

Here she is laying down like she has just started liking to do.. she loves to do this at night time before bed and watch her "toons"... notice she has rara, papi, and PLENTY of bankies!

This sweet lady that works with my mom also named Mrs. Lynne, gave Bailey this Caterpillar... his name is Hermie! He talks when you press his hand. He is a "Christian" Caterpillar. He says, "Hi, my name is Hermie, just a common Caterpillar, but God is not finished with me yet! ---"You know what I do when times get rough... I pray..." How sweet is that!? We took this picture to send to Mrs. Lynne. It was so nice of her to think of Bailey and get this for her!!

After bath time, we (Dave and I) LOVE to get our sugar!!! She is so funny all the time!

Here are just a few pictures of her after her Daddy messed her hair up with the towel!

Look at that Hair!! hahaha.. it is really growing!

People seem to think that she looks sooo much like Dave in these pictures!!

My little "Primped" girl... so girlie!

BATH TIME!!! She loves to take a bath!!!

Well, that is all I have for now. I am at work, and it is SLOW!!
Tomorrow night (Friday night) my wonderful hubby is taking me to Olive Garden!! yummm!! We will celebrate our 2nd Anniversary! I can not believe that it has been 2 years already!! Wow! I Thank God EVERY night for sending me this wonderful man.. I am truly blessed!!!

Goodnight, or morning Everyone! Love you all!!!